Asset and Equipment Finance
If you are a business owner searching for a new work vehicle or looking to upgrade your equipment to support further growth, but want to keep your all-important cash flow and working capital at healthy levels, we can help you!
Amongst our network of loan specialists are experienced and knowledgeable asset finance brokers that can help you to secure competitive asset and equipment finance. They specialise in helping customers finance a range of items, including:
- Motor vehicles
- Construction vehicles
- Plant machinery
- Agricultural equipment
- Solar power equipment
- Office equipment such as computers, photocopiers, and phone systems
- Medical and dental equipment
- General business equipment
- Internal fit outs
There are an endless number of items that are eligible for asset finance, which is why it’s so important to have a finance specialist on your side to help you find the right loan for your needs.
Get in touch now.
If you need equipment, contact us today. We will connect you with an asset finance specialist who will explore your options with you and ultimately take the hassle out of finding your funds.