When first getting a loan, your loan specialist will have assessed your current situation and taken into consideration your upcoming plans, so that you could achieve your goals.
However, time has a funny way of changing things and a lot may have happened between now and when you first got your loan. For instance, you may have changed jobs, got married, received an inheritance, separated from your partner, had kids, or had kids move out…the list is endless.
Whatever may have happened, it’s important that you determine whether the loan you have is still the ideal one for you.
It doesn’t cost anything to find out
This is what makes our service so valuable. We will assess your position and determine the most competitive loan options with costing you a cent!
Get a better deal today!
If your interest rate doesn’t start with a 2, you could be paying too much and potentially spending money that you could be saving.
Let our loan specialists compare loans from our extensive panel of lenders, giving you more options to choose from.
You will also be guided through the entire loan process, from start to finish, continually provided with lender updates to ensure you know exactly what stage your application is up to.
Get in touch
For many, the idea of refinancing a mortgage can be daunting, but with the help from our experienced network of brokers, we take the hassle out of refinancing.
If you would like more information on refinancing, contact us today!